Lip Function and Chin Morphology Hypothesis (LFCMH)


Craniofacial development is influenced by a complex interplay of epigenetic, environmental, and functional factors. While genetics have traditionally been considered the primary determinant of facial morphology, recent insights from the field of functional craniofacial biology suggest a significant role for mechanical forces exerted by soft tissues. Building on this foundation, the Functional Matrix Hypothesis introduced by Melvin Moss highlights that craniofacial structures do not develop in isolation but as adaptive responses to the functional demands of surrounding soft tissues.

The Lip Function and Chin Morphology Hypothesis (LFCMH) further explores this concept by focusing on how specific functions of the lips—ranging from habitual expressions and postures to subconscious movements—might influence the development and final morphology of the chin due to labiomental folding. This hypothesis posits that sustained lip activities, mediated through the mechanics of the associated muscles, particularly the mentalis, could have a formative impact on chin morphology through continuous mechanical stimulation and remodeling.

This investigation seeks to elucidate the potential causal relationships between lip function and chin development. By empirically examining the variations in lip activity and correlating these with differences in chin structure among individuals, the LFCMH aims to offer new perspectives on craniofacial morphogenesis, providing insights that could influence both theoretical understanding and clinical practices in dental and orthodontic fields.


Image Acquisition and Selection: Photographs were obtained from publicly accessible online databases, ensuring compliance with ethical standards regarding privacy and consent. Selection criteria focused on clear visibility of both lip posture and chin morphology. Images depicting a variety of lip postures were prioritized to ensure a comprehensive analysis. Subjects’ identities were anonymized to maintain confidentiality.

Defining Analytical Parameters: Lip postures were categorized into distinct groups: neutral, tense, and protruded, based on visible muscular engagement and positioning. Chin morphology was assessed by examining attributes such as projection, contour, and strain. This classification facilitated a structured comparison of the relationship between lip posture and chin morphology.

Analytical Process: A visual analysis approach was adopted to evaluate the selected images. Each photograph was examined manually to identify and record the observed lip postures and corresponding chin features. The assessment criteria included:

  • Lip Posture: Position (neutral, tense, protruded), muscular engagement.
  • Chin Morphology: Projection (prominent, recessed), contour (smooth, irregular), strain (relaxed, overexertion).
  • Labiomental Folding: Depth (Deep-set, neutral, flat).

Data Documentation and Categorization Observations were meticulously documented, noting the specific lip posture and chin morphology for each subject. A standardized coding system was used to categorize the observations systematically. This method ensured consistency and facilitated the organization of data for subsequent analysis.

Inter-Observer Reliability To enhance reliability, multiple reviewers independently assessed the images. Discrepancies in observations were discussed and resolved through consensus, ensuring that the recorded data accurately reflected the visual assessments.

Statistical Analysis Given the visual nature of the analysis, descriptive statistics were primarily used to summarize the data. Correlation analysis was conducted to explore potential associations between different lip postures and chin morphology characteristics. This analysis aimed to identify patterns that support the Lip Function and Chin Morphology Hypothesis (LFCMH).

Ethical Considerations The study adhered to ethical guidelines for research involving visual data. All images were anonymized to protect subject privacy, and no identifying information was retained. The research protocol was reviewed and approved by an institutional review board to ensure ethical compliance.


Overview of Findings: A total of 142 images were analyzed to explore the relationship between lip posture and chin morphology. The images were categorized based on the observed condition of the mentalis muscle, which was either strained and wrinkled due to protruded lips or relaxed with a good lip seal. This categorization aimed to distinguish between "prominent" chins, characterized by a prominent and well-defined chin profile, and "recessed" chins, marked by visible strain in the mentalis muscle and less prominence.

Categorization of Lip Postures and Chin Morphology

1. Protruded Lip Posture with Strained Mentalis Muscle

  • Description: Lips protruded forward, causing the mentalis muscle to strain and wrinkle.
  • Observations: 56 images displayed a protruded lip posture with a strained mentalis muscle, and/or a labiomental fold that was neutral, flat, or in-between, but not deep-set. Among these, 96.43% exhibited a recessed chin profile, often accompanied by visible mentalis strain, and/or, flat labiomental fold.

Some Images:


2. Good Lip Seal with Relaxed Mentalis Muscle

  • Description: Lips held in a neutral, closed position with a good seal, resulting in a relaxed, or protruded mentalis muscle, and a deep-set labiomental fold.
  • Observations: 84 images showed a good lip seal with a relaxed mentalis muscle, and/or a deep-set labiomental fold. In this category, 100% demonstrated a prominent and well-defined chin profile, indicating favorable chin morphology, and/or a deep-set labiomental fold.

Example Images:

Correlation Analysis The visual assessment revealed notable patterns correlating lip posture with chin morphology:

  • Protruded Lip Posture with Strained Mentalis: Frequently associated with a recessed chin, suggesting that the strain in the mentalis muscle, functionality of the mentalis and lip muscles, and their impact on labiomental folding, contributes to a less prominent chin profile.
  • Good Lip Seal with Relaxed or protruded Mentalis: Strongly correlated with a well-defined, prominent chin, supporting the hypothesis that a relaxed mentalis muscle due to proper lip seal promotes favorable chin development. There was no mentalis strain (except for short, periodic facial expressions), or flat labiomental folding in any images observed.

Discussion of Patterns: The observed patterns support the Lip Function and Chin Morphology Hypothesis (LFCMH). Specifically, the findings suggest that habitual lip postures significantly influence chin morphology. Protruded lips, associated with mentalis muscle strain, and a non-prominent labiomental fold, tend to result in a recessed chin. Conversely, maintaining a good lip seal with a relaxed or protruded mentalis muscle, and creating a deep labiomental fold, correlates with a more prominent and aesthetically pleasing chin.


Interpretation of Findings

The findings from this study provide observational support for the Lip Function and Chin Morphology Hypothesis (LFCMH). The analysis of lip posture and functional lip activity, particularly during dynamic expressions such as laughing and speaking, suggests a significant relationship between these behaviors and the resulting chin morphology. Individuals with strong chins tend to exhibit specific lip postures and functional behaviors that promote a prominent and well-defined chin. Conversely, those with weaker chins often lack these behaviors, resulting in a less pronounced chin profile.

Functional Matrix Theory

The results can be contextualized within the framework of the Functional Matrix Theory, which posits that skeletal structures develop in response to the functional demands placed upon them by the surrounding soft tissues. This theory emphasizes that bones do not grow independently but rather as adaptive responses to the mechanical forces exerted by the muscles and other tissues around them.

Impact of Lip Posture and Function on the Labiomental Fold

A key indicator of chin prominence observed in this study is the depth and definition of the labiomental fold—the crease between the lower lip and the chin. A deeper labiomental fold with a sharper angle is often associated with a stronger, more prominent chin. This fold is influenced by the activity of the mentalis muscle and the overall usage in the lower lip.

The findings suggest that individuals with a prominent chin often maintain a lip posture that keeps the lower lip, or more specifically, the lower orbicularis oris muscle in a neutral or slightly pressed position against the alveolar process of the lower teeth. This posture engages the mentalis muscle in a balanced manner, promoting the development of a well-defined labiomental fold. Additionally, during dynamic expressions such as laughing or speaking, the functional behavior of pressing the lower orbicularis oris muscle against the lower incisor region, further reinforces the prominence of the chin and the depth of the labiomental fold.

Conversely, individuals with a recessed chin typically do not engage the mentalis muscle or the lower orbicularis oris muscle in the same way. Their lip posture tends to be more relaxed or protruded, leading to less muscle tension and a shallower labiomental fold. This lack of consistent muscle engagement and the absence of reinforcing and even opposing behaviors during dynamic expressions contribute to a weaker chin profile.

Clinical Implications

Understanding the relationship between lip posture, functional lip activity, and chin morphology has significant clinical implications. Orthodontists and facial aesthetic practitioners can leverage this knowledge to develop interventions aimed at improving chin prominence. Techniques that encourage better lip posture and functional engagement of the mentalis muscle could potentially enhance chin development in individuals with weaker chins.

Future Research

While this study provides valuable insights, further research is needed to substantiate these findings. Experimental studies with larger sample sizes and longitudinal designs would help establish causal relationships and explore the underlying mechanisms in greater detail. Additionally, advanced imaging techniques could provide more precise measurements of the labiomental fold and chin morphology, enhancing the robustness of future studies.


The Lip Function and Chin Morphology Hypothesis (LFCMH) is supported by observational evidence linking specific lip postures and functional activities to chin prominence. The depth of the labiomental fold serves as a key indicator of this relationship, with stronger functional engagement leading to a more defined chin profile. These findings align with the principles of the Functional Matrix Theory, emphasizing the role of soft tissue dynamics in craniofacial development. Further research will be essential to deepen our understanding and translate these insights into practical clinical applications.

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  1. Moss, M.L. (1997). The Functional Matrix Hypothesis Revisited. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 112(3), 338-342.
  2. Orthotropics YouTube. (2020). Chin Assessment: How Soft Tissues Influence Bone Growth. [Video]. Retrieved from
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